Lapis Lazuli Gemstone Chip Beads [long strand]

Lapis Lazuli Beads

Lapis Lazuli Beads

Lapis Lazuli Beads

Lapis Lazuli Gemstone with Pyrite Flecks

Lapis Lazuli, or Lapis for short, is a striking deep blue metamorphic gemstone (meaning it has been transformed from other existing stone types). It is composed primarily of Lazurite, a feldspathoid and a member of the Sodalite group. It is this Lazurite that is responsible for the deep blue colour of Lapis Lazuli.

One of the most distinctive features of Lapis is the flecks of golden Pyrite (aka fool’s gold). This pyrite is usually found scattered through the stone, and gives the beads their famous sparkle.

Another visible inclusion is Calcite, which is the source of the white veining often seen in Lapis Lazuli beads. Lapis will often include other minerals, but it is these three that give it the characteristic appearance.

Lapis Lazuli Meaning and Uses

Lapis Lazuli is strongly associated with the thinking part of the mind; it enhances intellectual ability, critical thinking, problem solving and improves memory. Being a member of the Third Eye Chakra, Lapis also aids in intuition and insightfulness.

These elements combined result in Lapis being particularly useful when good judgement is required, and for analysis of complicated situations. It would be useful for learning due to the enhanced memory and critical thinking – perfect if you are studying for an exam!

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